Rabbi Freifeld Speaks (Hardcover)

The Dynamic Teachings of an Inspirational Rebbi

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The late Rabbi Shlomo Freifeld possessed the enviable ability to relate to a wide range of people. The genuineness of his caring for others, his rock-solid convictions and fluent expression created a magnetic personality few could resist. His charisma and concern found expression in his founding and leading Yeshivah Sh'or Yoshuv in Far Rockaway, New York - one of the first yeshivos to attract young men rediscovering their Jewish heritage.

Little wonder that his "shmuessen," his talks to his students, would become treasured memories. In these dynamic speeches he touched upon every aspect of Jewish living and belief, freely sharing his powerful Torah perspective and clear-headed wisdom. Though Rabbi Freifeld spoke in direct, down-to-earth language, his intense strength was rooted in the deep spiritual roots he had developed over many years as a disciple of Rabbi Yitzchok Hutner. Those talks are stunningly recaptured in this volume, where they are brought to life once again. For those who never had the privilege of knowing Rabbi Freifeld, this volume opens the door to this extraordinary leader's warm heart and broad mind. For his former students, each essay will rekindle a memory of their Rosh Yeshivah's warmth and remarkable ability to make every person feel like the favored child of his Creator.

Thought-provoking, simple yet majestic, this wonderful book will allow you to approach Rabbi Freifeld and absorb his words as he speaks directly to you!

Adapted for print by Rabbi Yaakov Yosef Reinman; Foreword by Benjie Brecher.

Product Details

Catalog # RFRH
ISBN-10 : 1578194172
ISBN # : 9781578194179
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 185
Dimensions : 6 x 9 x 0.626 inches
Weight: 1.1 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 08/26/2004
Size : Standard
Language: English
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