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Free Tehillim Download

Don’t just sit by helplessly as you watch Israel and the Jewish people being terrorized by their enemies. You can make a difference! As the world turns its back on the Jewish people’s plight we are forced to defend ourselves. Since time immemorial, Jews have survived and been victorious through the power of their prayers. At times of crises as we are experiencing now — everyone must do their part! Specifically, Jews are urged to devote at least fifteen minutes a day to this form of prayer and to recite Psalms 20, 83,121,130 and 142 during that time. The essence of these prayers is connecting to the Almighty in a meaningful way.

In order to facilitate these meaningful prayers ArtScroll/Mesorah is providing a special edition of the recommended Psalms excerpted from the new Schottenstein Edition Interlinear Psalms for FREE DOWNLOAD. This new edition will allow you to recite the Psalms with meaning in a way that was never before possible.

It is our hope and prayer that the unity and prayers of the Jewish people at this time will herald in a reign of peace and security for the Jewish people wherever they may live.

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Pages 1-2 (Psalm 20)
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Pages 3-4 (Psalm 20,83)
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Pages 5-6 (Psalm 83,121)
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Pages 7-8 (Psalm 121,130,142)
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of this page on screen
or click HERE to download printable PDF.

Pages 9-10 (Psalm 142)
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of this page on screen
or click HERE to download printable PDF.

Now available in the Schottenstein Edition Interlinear Series:
Tehillim / Psalms Full Size
Tehillim / Psalms Pocket Size
Sabbath and Festival Siddur
Sabbath and Festival Siddur RCA Edition
Minchah Maariv
Birchon / Bircas HaMazon

A Parent's Prayer

All parents want the best for their children — that they should be good and upright, that they have everything they need for a fruitful, joyous life.

The classic work, Shelah HaKadosh, contains a prayer that parents should recite for their children at any time of the year — but especially on the day before Rosh Chodesh Sivan, for that is the month when God gave us the Torah, and when the Jewish people began to be called His Children. On that day, he writes, fathers and mothers should give charity to the poor and repent. They should even fast, if they are able to.


prayer.pdf (PDF: 102K)

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If you have problems downloading these files directly from this page, you can also have these files emailed to you by sending a blank email to parentsprayer@artscroll.com and the free file will automatically be emailed back to your email address. Do not include a message, as the return email is automatic and no messages will be read.

Selichos for Children's Illnesses
(Selichos Letachlu'ei Yeladim)

The period of Shovavim-Tat; the weeks from Parashas Shemos through Parashas Mishpatim (during a Jewish leap year through Parashas Tetzavah), is considered a time for introspection that is particularly propitious for repentance.

Some congregations recite Selichos, penitential prayers, on Mondays and Thursdays during these weeks. Among them are congregations that include the special Selichos for Children's Illnesses as part of the service. For the benefit of those congregatons, we present the text and translation of the prayer.


Selichos-Tachluei.pdf (PDF: 124K)

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recited by many especially on the Tuesday of Parshas Beshalach.

    When our ancestors were in the Wilderness, a month after the Exodus from Egypt, they faced a tomorrow with no food. Justifiably, they asked Moshe if he had taken them into the desert to starve to death. Hashem responded that in the morning they would see that He had not forsaken them.

    In the morning – and every morning for the next 40 years – there was manna waiting for them. By evening there was nothing left, and the next morning, it was there again. Can you imagine how we would feel if we went to sleep every night with empty refrigerators? There in the Wilderness, Hashem showed our ancestors that ultimately, parnassah is in His hands.

    We pray for it every day – to provide for our families, to assist worthy causes, to build sturdy foundations for the future.

    This year, more than any in living memory, we pray for parnassah. The recession has hit everywhere. Relatives and neighbors, institutions and hopes for the future have been battered. So we pray for parnassah perhaps more fervently than in the past – but some days are more propitious than others.

    The Torah reading of this coming Shabbos -- Parashas Beshalach -- includes the chapter telling how the Jewish People in the Wilderness received manna. Many people recite the chapter daily, as a special prayer for parnassah. There is also a widespread custom to recite this chapter on the Tuesday of the week of Beshalach, which this year is January 22nd.

As a public service, we offer the text and interlinear translation of the chapter, from the Schottenstein Edition Interlinear Siddur. Please feel free to download it.

Click on this link to download: The Chapter of Manna.pdf (PDF: 206K)

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Click on a thumbnail image above to view a large version of that page on screen.

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