By Dr. Meir Wikler (Author)

Partners in Parenting

The questions parents ask. The answers they need.
By Dr. Meir Wikler (Author)

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  • Our 3-year-old brings home toys that don't belong to him. What do we do?
  • She's 9 years old, and she has become terrified of taking the school bus. How should we handle this?
  • When it comes to shidduchim, our 23-year-old son just can't make up his mind!
  • My wife and I don't agree: Am I too lenient, or is she too strict?
    How would you respond to these parents? Here's the opportunity to learn what an expert says.

From the moment of their birth our children are our greatest pleasure - and, often, our greatest challenge. Colicky newborns, a two-year-old's tantrums, homesickness at sleep away camp, or the roller coaster adolescent years - being a parent today can be puzzling, perplexing, and sometimes downright confusing!

Nowadays, most parents need an extra dose of wisdom to raise their children. And Dr. Meir Wikler, one of the Orthodox community's most respected therapists, has that wisdom to share.

In Partners in Parenting Dr. Wikler shares questions from parents of children of all ages - as well as his sensible and practical answers. Whether dealing with a first child or a seventh; whether our children are on the verge of starting kindergarten or on the verge of standing beneath the chuppah - we, as parents, need the techniques and insights of an experienced and perceptive family counselor. We need a Partner in Parenting. We need this book.

Product Details

Catalog # PIPH
ISBN-10 : 1422610896
ISBN # : 9781422610893
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 256
Dimensions : 6 x 9 inches
Weight: 1.1 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 03/09/2011
Size : Standard
Language: English
This book has 7 sample pages. See all pages

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