By Rabbi David Ashear (Author)

Living Emunah volume 4 (Full Size Hardcover)

Achieving A Life of Serenity Through Faith
By Rabbi David Ashear (Author)

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More stories. More insights. More emunah! And a much, much happier life!

With more than 150,000 copies of the Living Emunah series now in print, countless men and women have discovered how to deal successfully with life's challenges and enrich their lives through emunah, faith in Hashem and His infinite goodness. Living Emunah 4 helps bring our emunah to an even higher level, with more Torah insights and more true stories about the power of emunah in our lives. Here is the amazing truth about emunah: the more you believe in Hashem's ability to help the more you will see that help in your own life. Even more the stronger your belief, the better you can deal with whatever He sends you, in good times and hard ones.

When we read about the father and son whose emunah stayed firm even when the doctors despaired our emunah is strengthened. When we see a mother who waited thirty years for her prayers to be answered, and never lost her faith we are given tools that help us wait for our own personal salvation. The message of the Living Emunah series, which continues in Living Emunah 4, and which has made it so wildly popular is: Happiness is possible. Serenity is possible. Actually, nothing is impossible – when you empower yourself with emunah.

Product Details

Catalog # LEM4H
ISBN-10 : 1422623017
ISBN # : 9781422623015
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 292
Dimensions : 6 x 9 x 0.876 inches
Weight: 1.6 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll / Mesorah
Release Date : 03/26/2019
Size : Standard
Language: English
This book has 7 sample pages. See all pages

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with the author, Rabbi David Ashear

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