By Rabbi Yissocher Frand (Author)

Commuter's Chavrusah Series 24 Bamidbar Set

8 Lectures Corresponding to the Book of Bamidbar
By Rabbi Yissocher Frand (Author)

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  • Bamidbar - Conning someone out of a Mitzvah
  • Nasso - Ba'alas Teshuva who was not honest with her husband
  • Beha'aloscha - Davening that the suffering patient should die - Permitted or not?
  • Sh'lach - Our Davening Tallis - Should it be beautiful?
  • Korach - Should a Chassan come to Shul during Sheva Brachos
  • Chukas - Flowers at the cemetery?
  • Balak - The maid who made the Cholent
  • Pinchas -- Learning on Tisha B'av? Saying Tehillim on Tisha B'av?

Product Details

Catalog # FC244D
ISBN # : FC244D
Format : Audio CD
Weight: 1 LBS
Published By : Yad Yechiel Institute
Release Date : 04/28/2011

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