Showing 31 Results

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The Light and the Splendor
The Radiance and Inspiration of the Days of Triumph and Gratitude
Status: Available
Catalog # : LSPLH
Release Date : 11/18/2020
Format : Hardcover
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Revolutionize the Way You Look at Chanukah and Tu B’Shevat (and your life)!
List Price:  $30.99
Your Price:  $29.44
Discount:  5% off
The Concealed and the Revealed
The Royal Intrigue and Divine Irony of the Purim Miracle
Status: Available
Catalog # : CONCH
Release Date : 02/24/2022
Format : Hardcover
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Purim’s Secrets and Mysteries .... Revealed!
List Price:  $30.99
Your Price:  $27.89
Discount:  10% off
Days of Gratitude, Days of Triumph
Discovering the Gifts of Chanukah, Tu B'Shevat and Purim
Status: Available
Catalog # : DOGTH
Release Date : 12/05/2024
Format : Hardcover
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Rav Yaakov Feitman, beloved author of Days of Reflection, Days of Joy, continues to guide us through the spiritual landmarks of the Jewish calendar, uncovering the profound lessons hidden within Chanukah, Tu B’Shevat, Asarah b’Teves, and Purim.
List Price:  $30.99
Your Price:  $27.89
Discount:  10% off
Halachic Handbook: The Laws of Purim
Status: Available
Catalog # : HHPUP
Release Date : 02/11/2014
Format : Paperback
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A concise and clear summary of all the laws of Purim, in a wonderfully convenient pocket size (4"x6") The halachos are written in a readable, easy-to-follow style, while extensive source notes make this a valuable resource for further, in-depth study. Inc
List Price:  $6.99
Your Price:  $6.64
Discount:  5% off
Reb Aharon Leib on Purim and Megillas Esther
Comments, laws, customs, stories and perspectives from Rabbi Aharon Yehudah Leib Shteinman
Status: Available
Catalog # : RALPH
Release Date : 02/21/2022
Format : Hardcover
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Comments, laws, customs, stories and perspectives from Rabbi Aharon Yehudah Leib Shteinman
List Price:  $30.99
Your Price:  $29.44
Discount:  5% off
Steps to the Throne
Inspiring Insights and Stories that will Elevate your Elul and Yamim Noraim
Status: Available
Catalog # : STTTH
Release Date : 09/05/2024
Format : Hardcover
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Prepare to elevate your spiritual journey during these forty days – and, indeed, during the entire year -- with Rabbi Muller's expert guidance in Steps to the Throne.
List Price:  $30.99
Your Price:  $27.89
Discount:  10% off
Halachic Handbook: The Laws of Chanukah
Status: Available
Catalog # : HHCHP
Release Date : 11/28/2017
Format : Paperback
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A concise and clear summary of all the laws of Chanukah, in a wonderfully convenient pocket size (4"x6") The halachos are written in a readable, easy-to-follow style, while extensive source notes make this a valuable resource for further, in-depth study. Inc
List Price:  $6.99
Your Price:  $6.64
Discount:  5% off
Rav Chaim Kanievsky on Megillas Esther and Purim
Comments, laws, customs, stories, and perspectives on Megillas Esther and Purim
Status: Available
Catalog # : RCKEPH
Release Date : 02/22/2020
Format : Hardcover
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Let Maran HaRav Chaim Kanievsky add happiness, depth, and meaning to your Purim!
List Price:  $30.99
Your Price:  $29.44
Discount:  5% off
Lag BaOmer: The Fire and The Soul
Best Seller
The Mystical Power of Lag BaOmer, Rebbi Shimon Bar Yochai, and the Zohar HaKadosh
Status: Available
Catalog # : LAGFSH
Release Date : 05/15/2024
Format : Hardcover
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Enter the world of Rebbi Shimon bar Yochai and the Zohar HaKadosh, and experience an exalted realm of Torah that will bring Klal Yisrael closer to the final redemption.
List Price:  $30.99
Your Price:  $27.89
Discount:  10% off
The Laws Of Yom Tov
A comprehensive halachic guide to the laws and practices of the Festivals.
Status: Available
Catalog # : LOYH
Release Date : 08/01/1997
Format : Hardcover
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Rabbi Cohen's works of practical halachah have earned him a following in the thousands. He has the exceptional ability to clarify the underlying principles of the halachah, so that the reader understands how they are applied to new situations and modern a
List Price:  $30.99
Your Price:  $29.44
Discount:  5% off
The Darkness and the Dawn
The Anguish of the Galus and the Glory of Jewish Eternity
Status: Available
Catalog # : DAWNH
Release Date : 06/21/2021
Format : Hardcover
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The Anguish of the Galus and the Glory of Jewish Eternity
List Price:  $30.99
Your Price:  $29.44
Discount:  5% off
The Concealed and the Revealed - Pocket Size
The Royal Intrigue and Divine Irony of the Purim Miracle
Status: Available
Catalog # : PCONCH
Release Date : 02/15/2024
Format : Hardcover
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Purim’s Secrets and Mysteries .... Revealed!
List Price:  $20.99
Your Price:  $18.89
Discount:  10% off
The Mystery and the Majesty
The grandeur and nobility of the Days of Awe and Joy
Status: Available
Catalog # : MYSTH
Release Date : 09/04/2019
Format : Hardcover
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The Mystery and the Majesty Elul * Rosh Hashanah * Yom Kippur * Succos Experience the Grandeur, Awe, and Inner Joy of the Season of Majesty
List Price:  $30.99
Your Price:  $29.44
Discount:  5% off
Days of Reflection, Days of Joy
Discovering the Gifts of Elul, the Yamim Noraim and Succos
Status: Available
Catalog # : DORJH
Release Date : 08/22/2023
Format : Hardcover
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Rabbi Yaakov Feitman, a beloved Rav and author, shares his wise, discerning and often witty perspectives on Chodesh Elul, the Yamim Noraim, and Succos. These thought-provoking insights, based on countless sources including his own Rebbe, Rav Yitzchak Hutner, are conveniently arranged for daily reading.
List Price:  $30.99
Your Price:  $29.44
Discount:  5% off
The Festivals In Halachah - 2 Volume Shrink Wrapped Set
An analysis of the development of the festival laws.
Status: Available
Catalog # : FESH
Release Date : 03/01/1982
Format : Hardcover
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Rabbi Shlomo Yosef Zevin was renowned in the first half of this century as a Talmudic encyclopedist and halachist. Now available in English, his fascinating halachic discussion on aspects of the festivals trace the development and application of the holid
List Price:  $59.99
Your Price:  $56.99
Discount:  5% off
Chol HaMoed
A comprehensive review of the Laws of the Intermediate Days of the Festivals
Status: Available
Catalog # : CHOH
Release Date : 04/04/2005
Format : Hardcover
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In an age of ever widening interest in contemporary halachah, this work represents the first comprehensive guide to the laws of Chol HaMoed ever published for the English-speaking public. Within these pages, the authors present the laws of Chol HaMoed in
List Price:  $30.99
Your Price:  $29.44
Discount:  5% off
Rav Yaakov Bender on Chumash
Status: Available
Catalog # : RBOCH
Release Date : 01/06/2021
Format : Hardcover
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Revolutionize the Way You Look at Chanukah and Tu B’Shevat (and your life)!
List Price:  $30.99
Your Price:  $29.44
Discount:  5% off
Halachic Handbook: The Laws of the Succah and Four Species
Status: Available
Catalog # : HHSUP
Release Date : 08/04/2016
Format : Paperback
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A concise and clear summary of the laws related to the succah and the four species (lulav, esrog, haddasim, aravos) in a wonderfully convenient pocket size (4"x6")
List Price:  $6.99
Your Price:  $6.64
Discount:  5% off
The Seven Guests in the Succah Prayers, Commentary, and Insights
Status: Available
Catalog # : USHPH
Release Date : 09/18/2019
Format : Hardcover
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Seven “guests” – the Ushpizin – visit us every year in our succah. Isn’t it time we understood who these Ushpizin are – and what we can gain from their presence?
List Price:  $24.99
Your Price:  $23.74
Discount:  5% off
Laws of the Seder
The comprehensive Kol Dodi exposition of the laws and rituals of the Seder night
Status: Available
Catalog # : LOSP
Release Date : 01/30/2002
Format : Paperback
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List Price:  $14.99
Your Price:  $13.49
Discount:  10% off
Rav Yaakov Bender on Chumash vol. 2
Status: Available
Catalog # : RBOC2H
Release Date : 01/16/2023
Format : Hardcover
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Revolutionize the Way You Look at Chanukah and Tu B’Shevat (and your life)!
List Price:  $30.99
Your Price:  $29.44
Discount:  5% off
Or Gedalyahu on the Yamim Noraim and the Festivals
Their depth, beauty and inspiration as expounded by Rabbi Gedaliah Schorr zt”l
Status: Available
Catalog # : OGYTH
Release Date : 11/14/2021
Format : Hardcover
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A Modern Torah Classic, Finally Available in English!
List Price:  $30.99
Your Price:  $27.89
Discount:  10% off
Yamim Noraim with the Maggid
Elevating stories and insights from Elul through Yom Kippur
Status: Available
Catalog # : YNMH
Release Date : 08/04/2021
Format : Hardcover
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Elevating stories and insights from Elul through Yom Kippur
List Price:  $30.99
Your Price:  $29.44
Discount:  5% off
Eishes Chayil Yamim Noraim Treasury
Insights and stories on Elul, Rosh Hashanah, and Yom Kippur for Women
Status: Available
Catalog # : ECYNH
Release Date : 09/01/2022
Format : Hardcover
Click here for more information
Insights and stories on Elul, Rosh Hashanah, and Yom Kippur for Women
List Price:  $29.99
Your Price:  $26.99
Discount:  10% off
The Mystery and the Majesty - French Edition
The grandeur and nobility of the Days of Awe and Joy
Status: Available
Catalog # : FMYSTH
Release Date : 08/09/2024
Format : Hardcover
Click here for more information
The Mystery and the Majesty Elul * Rosh Hashanah * Yom Kippur * Succos Experience the Grandeur, Awe, and Inner Joy of the Season of Majesty
List Price:  $30.99
Your Price:  $29.44
Discount:  5% off
The Lulav and Esrog Handbook
The Laws of the Four Species
Status: Available
Catalog # : LULH
Release Date : 09/24/2003
Format : Hardcover
Click here for more information
Selecting Arba Minim, the Four Species, can be a satisfying privilege or frustrating task. The difference between confidence and confusion lies in how well prepared you are to judge between kosher and posul, and if you can discern a true mehudar. This
List Price:  $24.99
Your Price:  $23.74
Discount:  5% off
Rav Chaim Kanievsky on the Yamim Nora'im
Comments, laws, customs, stories, and perspectives on Elul, Selichos, and the Yamim Nora'im
Status: Available
Catalog # : RCKYNH
Release Date : 08/14/2018
Format : Hardcover
Click here for more information
Rav Chaim Kanievsky on Elul and the Yamim Noraim includes stories, commentary, laws, customs, and perspectives on the awesome time between the month of Elul and Yom Kippur.
List Price:  $30.99
Your Price:  $29.44
Discount:  5% off
Rav Nosson Wachtfogel on Elul and Yamim Noraim
Inspiring Insights from the Lakewood Mashgiach
Status: Available
Catalog # : RNWYNH
Release Date : 08/16/2021
Format : Hardcover
Click here for more information
Brief and Brilliant: “Notes” From the Mashgiach
List Price:  $30.99
Your Price:  $27.89
Discount:  10% off
Ner Eyal
A guide to the laws of Shabbat and festivals in Seder Moed
Status: Available
Catalog # : U-NER1
Release Date : 11/07/2001
Format : Hardcover
Click here for more information
This book introduces the reader to the world of Halachah, makes one aware of its relevance and beauty, and enhances the awareness of Halachah in daily life. Raphael Grunfeld, the author, is an alumnus of the great Gateshead Yeshivah, a practicing attorne
List Price:  $24.99
Your Price:  $23.74
Discount:  5% off
The Mystery and the Majesty - Spanish Edition
The grandeur and nobility of the Days of Awe and Joy
Status: Out of Stock
Catalog # : SMYSTH
Release Date : 08/15/2024
Format : Hardcover
Click here for more information
The Mystery and the Majesty Elul * Rosh Hashanah * Yom Kippur * Succos Experience the Grandeur, Awe, and Inner Joy of the Season of Majesty
List Price:  $30.99
Your Price:  $29.44
Discount:  5% off
Laws of the Seder
The comprehensive Kol Dodi exposition of the laws and rituals of the Seder night
Status: Out of Stock
Catalog # : LOSH
Release Date : 01/30/2002
Format : Hardcover
Click here for more information
List Price:  $15.99
Your Price:  $15.19
Discount:  5% off

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