Books that elevate the soul and transform character

Browse our collection of Mussar books at ArtScroll, including top titles like Mesillas Yesharim and Sichos Mussar. Discover the best Mussar books for ethical living and spiritual growth. Shop now!

Showing 1 - 35 of 50 Results

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Kisvei HaRambam Volume 1: Fundamentals of Faith
The Writings of Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon - The Rambam - Translated, Annotated and Elucidated
Status: Available
Catalog # : KRAMH
Release Date : 03/10/2023
Format : Hardcover
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The Writings of the Rambam - Fascinating Classics from the Pen of the Great Master - Now in English!
List Price:  $34.99
Your Price:  $31.49
Discount:  10% off
The Fire Within
The living heritage of the Mussar movement.
Status: Available
Catalog # : FIRH
Release Date : 09/01/1987
Format : Hardcover
Click here for more information
The living heritage of the Mussar movement.
List Price:  $25.99
Your Price:  $24.69
Discount:  5% off
Lights Along The Way / Mesillas Yesharim
Timeless lessons for today from Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto's Mesillas Yesharim
Status: Available
Catalog # : LIGH
Release Date : 09/20/1995
Format : Hardcover
Click here for more information
Rabbi Twerski quotes and translates key passages from Mesillas Yesharim and applies them to the problems and hurdles of modern life.
List Price:  $30.99
Your Price:  $27.89
Discount:  10% off
Avos deRabbi Nassan
The ancient baraisa that illuminates the teachings of Pirkei Avos
Status: Available
Catalog # : ADRH
Release Date : 03/27/2017
Format : Hardcover
Click here for more information
Avos DeRabbi Nassan The teachings of Pirkei Avos through the eyes of the Tannaim
List Price:  $31.99
Your Price:  $30.39
Discount:  5% off
Kisvei HaRambam Volume 2: Conduct and Character
The Writings of Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon - The Rambam - Translated, Annotated and Elucidated
Status: Available
Catalog # : KRAM2H
Release Date : 12/04/2024
Format : Hardcover
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Enter the thought-world of one of the greatest Rishonim — and see how other great Rishonim discuss his works. In Kisvei HaRambam, selections of Rambam’s writings are elucidated and annotated, with additional insights illuminating the many concepts he discusses.
List Price:  $34.99
Your Price:  $31.49
Discount:  10% off
Tomer Devorah – Haas Family Edition
Best Seller
Rabbi Moshe Cordevero's Classic Guide to Emulating Hashem's Thirteen Attributes of Mercy
Status: Available
Catalog # : TOMERH
Release Date : 09/24/2024
Format : Hardcover
Click here for more information
Rabbi Moshe Cordever's Classic Guide to Emulating Hashem's Thirteen Attributes of Mercy
List Price:  $27.99
Your Price:  $25.19
Discount:  10% off
Pele Yoeitz volume 2 - Haas Family Edition
The Classic Work by Rabbi Eliezer Papo, Timeless Counsel for all Aspects of Jewish Life
Status: Available
Catalog # : PY2H
Release Date : 09/19/2024
Format : Hardcover
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Pele Yoeitz is an encyclopedia of Jewish ethics, prayer, behavior, guidance, and thought. This 19th-century classic was authored by the renowned halachic authority, ethicist, and kabbalist Rav Yehudah Papo, rav of Silistra, Bulgaria. Arranged alphabetically by topic, it covers themes that range from philosophy to halachah to practical advice.
List Price:  $34.99
Your Price:  $31.49
Discount:  10% off
Pele Yoeitz volume 1 - Haas Family Edition
The Classic Work by Rabbi Eliezer Papo, Timeless Counsel for all Aspects of Jewish Life
Status: Available
Catalog # : PY1H
Release Date : 10/26/2023
Format : Hardcover
Click here for more information
Pele Yoeitz is an encyclopedia of Jewish ethics, prayer, behavior, guidance, and thought. This 19th-century classic was authored by the renowned halachic authority, ethicist, and kabbalist Rav Yehudah Papo, rav of Silistra, Bulgaria. Arranged alphabetically by topic, it covers themes that range from philosophy to halachah to practical advice.
List Price:  $34.99
Your Price:  $31.49
Discount:  10% off
Iggeres Haramban A Letter For The Ages & Bircas HaMazon Pocket Size Leatherette
The Ramban's ethical letter with an anthology of contemporary Rabbinic expositions.
Status: Available
Catalog # : PIGEL
Release Date : 02/12/2007
Format : Leatherette
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According to tradition, after his exile from Spain for his defense of Judaism, the great Ramban (Nachmanides) sent this letter to his son. The letter which many recite weekly gives a blueprint for an ethical life as timely today as it was then. This book
List Price:  $4.99
Your Price:  $4.49
Discount:  10% off
Olam HaMiddos
A guide to understanding ourselves and refining our character
Status: Available
Catalog # : OLAMH
Release Date : 08/29/2019
Format : Hardcover
Click here for more information
Thousands have improved their character traits – and their lives – through Sefer Olam HaMiddos. Now the book everyone is talking about is available in a flowing English translation.
List Price:  $30.99
Your Price:  $27.89
Discount:  10% off
Derashos HaRan 2 Volume Slipcased Set
Discourses of the Ran, Rabbeinu Nissim Ben Reuven of Gerona, Translated, Annotated and Elucidated
Status: Available
Catalog # : DERHS
Release Date : 07/24/2022
Format : Hardcover
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Written by the famous Talmudist and Halachist R' Nissim ben Ruvein (Ran) in the fourteenth century, Derashos HaRan is a collection of homilies (Derashos) that are a classic exposition of the fundamentals of the Jewish religion. This work is newly translated, with explanatory footnotes and cross-references to Ran’s other writings, as well as to other Rishonim and authorities who discuss these topics. Each Derashah also has Insights in the back, elaborating on themes and concepts in that Derashah.
List Price:  $71.98
Your Price:  $64.78
Discount:  10% off
Pachad Yitzchok
Selected Ma'Amarim of Rabbi Yitzchok Hutner on Shabbos and the Yamim Tovim
Status: Available
Catalog # : PACHADH
Release Date : 06/04/2024
Format : Hardcover
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HaRav Yitzchok Hutner zt’l, the Rosh HaYeshiva of Yeshiva and Mesivta Rabbi Chaim Berlin, was one of the most profound thinkers of our time. His mastery of Toras Machshavah was unequaled and his sweeping tapestries wove together the Maharal, Mussar, and Chassidus in a masterful manner uniquely his.
List Price:  $30.99
Your Price:  $27.89
Discount:  10% off
Around The Year With Reb Meilech
Traveling through the Jewish Calendar with the Torah, Insights and Stories from Harav Elimelech Biderman
Status: Available
Catalog # : AROUH
Release Date : 08/22/2023
Format : Hardcover
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Bestselling author Yisroel Besser offers us Reb Meilech’s divrei Torah, stories, and, of course, his incomparable chizuk — for every month of the Jewish calendar. Unique descriptions of Reb Meilech, as he energizes and elevates the thousands who come to see and hear him, let us actually feel the excitement and passion that characterize his every word. #AROUH $29.99
List Price:  $30.99
Your Price:  $27.89
Discount:  10% off
Iggeres Haramban / A Letter For The Ages with Bircas HaMazon - Pocket Size
The Ramban's ethical letter with an anthology of contemporary Rabbinic expositions.
Status: Available
Catalog # : PIGEP
Release Date : 02/12/2007
Format : Paperback
Click here for more information
According to tradition, after his exile from Spain for his defense of Judaism, the great Ramban (Nachmanides) sent this letter to his son. The letter which many recite weekly gives a blueprint for an ethical life as timely today as it was then. This book
List Price:  $4.99
Your Price:  $4.49
Discount:  10% off
Iggeres Haramban / A Letter For The Ages
The Ramban's ethical letter with an anthology of contemporary Rabbinic expositions.
Status: Available
Catalog # : IGEH
Release Date : 08/30/1989
Format : Hardcover
Click here for more information
According to tradition, after his exile from Spain for his defense of Judaism, the great Ramban (Nachmanides) sent this letter to his son. The letter which many recite weekly gives a blueprint for an ethical life as timely today as it was then. This book
List Price:  $22.99
Your Price:  $20.69
Discount:  10% off
Open Your Eyes
Seeing Hashem Everywhere
Status: Available
Catalog # : OPENH
Release Date : 11/05/2020
Format : Hardcover
Click here for more information
Look. Watch. Think. Reflect. Consider. Praise. Thank. OPEN YOUR EYES. To Hashem’s magnificent world. To your blessed, blessed world. And prepare to reap the unimaginable benefits of living with “bechinah.”
List Price:  $30.99
Your Price:  $27.89
Discount:  10% off
The Six Constant Mitzvos - Pocket Size Paperback
Based on a Series of Lectures by Rabbi Yitzchok Berkowitz
Status: Available
Catalog # : PSIXP
Release Date : 01/05/2011
Format : Paperback
Click here for more information
Anytime. Anywhere. The six mitzvos that every Jew can, and must, fulfill. The six mitzvos that can, and will, change our lives. The classic work Sefer HaChinuch lists six mitzvos that a Jew is commanded to constantly fulfill, without a stop. Yet how is
List Price:  $13.99
Your Price:  $12.59
Discount:  10% off
Rebbi Meir Baal Haness and the Eternal Children of Hashem
The Worldview of the Tanna Rebbi Meir and Hashem's Infinite Love for the Jewish People
Status: Available
Catalog # : RMBH
Release Date : 11/30/2023
Format : Hardcover
Click here for more information
Now More Than Ever ... Feel Hashem’s Love!
List Price:  $30.99
Your Price:  $27.89
Discount:  10% off
Iggeres HaRamban with an Interlinear Translation
The Ramban's ethical letter with an anthology of contemporary Rabbinic expositions.
Status: Available
Catalog # : IIGEH
Release Date : 09/21/2023
Format : Hardcover
Click here for more information
The Ramban's ethical letter with an anthology of contemporary Rabbinic expositions.
List Price:  $22.99
Your Price:  $20.69
Discount:  10% off
Iggeres Haramban A Letter For The Ages & Bircas HaMazon Pocket Size White Cover
The Ramban's ethical letter with an anthology of contemporary Rabbinic expositions.
Status: Available
Catalog # : PIGEW
Release Date : 02/12/2007
Format : Paperback
Click here for more information
According to tradition, after his exile from Spain for his defense of Judaism, the great Ramban (Nachmanides) sent this letter to his son. The letter which many recite weekly gives a blueprint for an ethical life as timely today as it was then. This book
List Price:  $4.99
Your Price:  $4.49
Discount:  10% off
Olam HaAvodah
A guide to understanding and achieving our purpose in this world
Status: Available
Catalog # : OLAVH
Release Date : 07/28/2021
Format : Hardcover
Click here for more information
A guide to understanding and achieving our purpose in this world
List Price:  $30.99
Your Price:  $27.89
Discount:  10% off
Iggeres HaGra / A Letter For The Ages & Bircas HaMazon Pocket Size Leatherette Cover
The Vilna Gaon’s ethical letter, with an anthology of insights, stories and observations
Status: Available
Catalog # : PIGEGL
Release Date : 08/01/2018
Format : Leatherette
Click here for more information
Tens of thousands of lives have been enhanced and improved by Iggeres HaRamban: A Letter for the Ages, the ethical letter Rav Moshe ben Nachman wrote to his son. Now, in Iggeres HaGra, we can share the wisdom of one of history’s greatest sages, the Gaon of Vilna, known as the GRA
List Price:  $4.99
Your Price:  $4.49
Discount:  10% off
Orchos Chaim Of The Rosh - Pocket Size Hardcover with Bircas Hamazon
Rabbeinu Asher's Classic "Paths of Life" with an anthology of contemporary expositions.
Status: Available
Catalog # : PORCH
Release Date : 05/16/2016
Format : Hardcover
Click here for more information
Rabbeinu Asher's Classic "Paths of Life" with an anthology of contemporary expositions.
List Price:  $20.99
Your Price:  $18.89
Discount:  10% off
Iggeres HaGra / A Letter For The Ages & Bircas HaMazon Pocket Size Color Cover
The Vilna Gaon’s ethical letter, with an anthology of insights, stories and observations
Status: Available
Catalog # : PIGEGP
Release Date : 08/01/2018
Format : Paperback
Click here for more information
Tens of thousands of lives have been enhanced and improved by Iggeres HaRamban: A Letter for the Ages, the ethical letter Rav Moshe ben Nachman wrote to his son. Now, in Iggeres HaGra, we can share the wisdom of one of history’s greatest sages, the Gaon of Vilna, known as the GRA
List Price:  $4.99
Your Price:  $4.49
Discount:  10% off
The 25th Hour
Making the Most of the Priceless Gift of Time
Status: Available
Catalog # : 25TH
Release Date : 07/06/2023
Format : Hardcover
Click here for more information
Time. It’s our greatest gift. Let the Torah show you how to utilize every minute to its fullest.
List Price:  $29.99
Your Price:  $26.99
Discount:  10% off
My Father, My King
Connecting with the Creator.
Status: Available
Catalog # : MYFH
Release Date : 10/20/1996
Format : Hardcover
Click here for more information
An inspiring, comprehensive overview of basic Torah principles from Gûd's perspective, with insights and examples drawn from the author's extensive teaching and counseling experience. This is a book that will enlighten both the beginner and the scholar.
List Price:  $30.99
Your Price:  $27.89
Discount:  10% off
Orchos Chaim Of The Rosh
Rabbeinu Asher's Classic "Paths of Life" with an anthology of contemporary expositions.
Status: Available
Catalog # : ORCH
Release Date : 06/30/1992
Format : Hardcover
Click here for more information
Rabbeinu Asher's Classic "Paths of Life" with an anthology of contemporary expositions.
List Price:  $30.99
Your Price:  $27.89
Discount:  10% off
Iggeres HaGra / A Letter For The Ages & Bircas HaMazon Pocket Size White Cover
The Vilna Gaon’s ethical letter, with an anthology of insights, stories and observations
Status: Available
Catalog # : PIGEGW
Release Date : 08/01/2018
Format : Paperback
Click here for more information
Tens of thousands of lives have been enhanced and improved by Iggeres HaRamban: A Letter for the Ages, the ethical letter Rav Moshe ben Nachman wrote to his son. Now, in Iggeres HaGra, we can share the wisdom of one of history’s greatest sages, the Gaon of Vilna, known as the GRA
List Price:  $4.99
Your Price:  $4.49
Discount:  10% off
The Six Constant Mitzvos - Pocket Size Hard Cover
Based on a Series of Lectures by Rabbi Yitzchok Berkowitz
Status: Available
Catalog # : PSIXH
Release Date : 01/05/2011
Format : Hardcover
Click here for more information
Anytime. Anywhere. The six mitzvos that every Jew can, and must, fulfill. The six mitzvos that can, and will, change our lives. The classic work Sefer HaChinuch lists six mitzvos that a Jew is commanded to constantly fulfill, without a stop. Yet how is
List Price:  $17.99
Your Price:  $16.19
Discount:  10% off
Iggeres HaGra / A Letter For The Ages
The Vilna Gaon’s ethical letter, with an anthology of insights, stories and observations
Status: Available
Catalog # : IGEGH
Release Date : 06/28/2018
Format : Hardcover
Click here for more information
Tens of thousands of lives have been enhanced and improved by Iggeres HaRamban: A Letter for the Ages, the ethical letter Rav Moshe ben Nachman wrote to his son. Now, in Iggeres HaGra, we can share the wisdom of one of history’s greatest sages, the Gaon of Vilna, known as the GRA
List Price:  $24.99
Your Price:  $22.49
Discount:  10% off
Derashos HaRan - Volume 1(1-5b)
Discourses of the Ran, Rabbeinu Nissim Ben Reuven of Gerona, Translated, Annotated and Elucidated
Status: Available
Catalog # : DER1H
Release Date : 12/19/2019
Format : Hardcover
Click here for more information
Written by the famous Talmudist and Halachist R' Nissim ben Ruvein (Ran) in the fourteenth century, Derashos HaRan is a collection of homilies (Derashos) that are a classic exposition of the fundamentals of the Jewish religion. This work is newly translated, with explanatory footnotes and cross-references to Ran’s other writings, as well as to other Rishonim and authorities who discuss these topics. Each Derashah also has Insights in the back, elaborating on themes and concepts in that Derashah.
List Price:  $35.99
Your Price:  $32.39
Discount:  10% off
Derashos HaRan - Volume 2 (6-12b)
Discourses of the Ran, Rabbeinu Nissim Ben Reuven of Gerona, Translated, Annotated and Elucidated
Status: Available
Catalog # : DER2H
Release Date : 11/08/2021
Format : Hardcover
Click here for more information
Written by the famous Talmudist and Halachist R' Nissim ben Ruvein (Ran) in the fourteenth century, Derashos HaRan is a collection of homilies (Derashos) that are a classic exposition of the fundamentals of the Jewish religion. This work is newly translated, with explanatory footnotes and cross-references to Ran’s other writings, as well as to other Rishonim and authorities who discuss these topics. Each Derashah also has Insights in the back, elaborating on themes and concepts in that Derashah.
List Price:  $35.99
Your Price:  $32.39
Discount:  10% off
The Legacy of the Mashgiach
The thought-provoking teachings of Rabbi Yechezkel Levenstein, Mashgiach of Yeshivas Mir and Ponevez
Status: Available
Catalog # : LOMH
Release Date : 09/03/2009
Format : Hardcover
Click here for more information
The talmidim of Rav Yechezkel Levinstein zt'l, Mashgiach of Yeshivas Mir and Ponevez, knew that they had before them a "living Sefer Torah." By watching the Mashgiach live his life of emunah and uninterrupted Torah study, and, particularly, by hearing h
List Price:  $30.99
Your Price:  $27.89
Discount:  10% off
The Six Constant Mitzvos
Based on a Series of Lectures by Rabbi Yitzchok Berkowitz
Status: Available
Catalog # : SIXH
Release Date : 09/16/2009
Format : Hardcover
Click here for more information
Anytime. Anywhere. The six mitzvos that every Jew can, and must, fulfill. The six mitzvos that can, and will, change our lives. The classic work Sefer HaChinuch lists six mitzvos that a Jew is commanded to constantly fulfill, without a stop. Yet how is
List Price:  $30.99
Your Price:  $27.89
Discount:  10% off
Rays of Hope
Finding Chizuk in Challenging Times
Status: Available
Catalog # : RAYH
Release Date : 09/12/2023
Format : Hardcover
Click here for more information
Rabbi Chaim Aryeh Zev Ginzberg is a beloved rav in Cedarhurst who has engaged thousands of readers with his incisive articles in the Torah world’s most prestigious periodicals. Rabbi Ginzberg has a genius for weaving together personal stories, Torah hashkafah, encouragement and chizuk, communal issues, and, yes, gentle and spot-on mussar.
List Price:  $30.99
Your Price:  $27.89
Discount:  10% off
  • 2

Mussar Books for Character Development and Spiritual Growth

Mussar is a vital aspect of Jewish tradition that focuses on ethical self-improvement and character refinement. At ArtScroll, our collection of Mussar books offers valuable insights and practical guidance for personal growth and spiritual development. Whether you are a beginner seeking to explore Mussar or an experienced learner looking to deepen your understanding, our selection features the best titles to help you on your journey.

Explore the Best Mussar Books

Our collection includes some of the best Mussar books, carefully curated to provide both foundational and advanced perspectives. Titles such as the Mesillas Yesharim/Way of the Upright by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto are classic works that have been used for centuries to guide individuals in achieving moral and ethical excellence. Another highly regarded text is Sichos Mussar / Reb Chaim's Discourses by Rabbi Chaim Shmulevitz, which includes inspiring lectures and ethical insights from one of the great masters of Mussar..

Additionally, works like Shaarei Teshuvah (Gates of Repentance) by Rabbeinu Yona provide an in-depth understanding of the process of teshuvah (repentance), making it a perfect choice for anyone looking to strengthen their spiritual resolve..

Comprehensive Mussar Books for All Levels

Our selection includes Mussar books that cover a broad range of topics, such as interpersonal relationships, humility, self-discipline, and avoiding negative behaviors. For example, The Fire Within explores the teachings of Rabbi Aharon Feldman, presenting them in an accessible way that speaks to both beginners and seasoned learners..

Other must-read titles include Orchos Tzaddikim (The Ways of the Righteous) and Tomer Devorah by Rabbi Moshe Cordovero, which delve into key principles of Mussar and provide step-by-step guidance for character refinement and spiritual elevation.

Discover the Best Mussar Books to Elevate Your Learning

If you’re looking for recommendations, consider starting with our top 10 best Mussar books:

  1. Mesillas Yesharim by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto
  2. Sichos Mussar by Rabbi Chaim Shmulevitz
  3. Shaarei Teshuvah by Rabbeinu Yona
  4. Tomer Devorah by Rabbi Moshe Cordovero
  5. The Fire Within by Rabbi Aharon Feldman
  6. Orchos Tzaddikim (The Ways of the Righteous)
  7. Michtav M’Eliyahu by Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler
  8. Strive for Truth by Rabbi Eliyahu Eliezer Dessler
  9. Sefer Shemiras Halashon by the Chofetz Chaim
  10. The Path of the Just by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto

Unlock the transformative power of Mussar with ArtScroll’s comprehensive collection of Mussar books. Shop now to find the resources that can help you grow in wisdom, humility, and character.

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Expand your Jewish library with our extensive range of books. Whether you're looking for inspirational reading or educational resources, we have something for everyone. Explore our Jewish Cookbooks for delicious recipes, or deepen your understanding with our Jewish Philosophy Books. Don't miss out on our Siddurim to enhance your daily prayers.

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