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Publisher: ArtScroll Mesorah Publications Published: November 2005
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As a senior lecturer for Gateways Seminars, Rabbi Mordechai Becher understands that Jewish life is filled with questions. For years, he has answered the searching inquiries of thousands of Jews, helping them reconnect with their rich heritage through Torah. Now he has written Gateway to Judaism to provide a comprehensive, yet comfortably readable resource detailing why traditional Jews live as they do. If you are looking for "the one book" that describes how to live a Jewish life, this is it!
Gateway to Judaism is unique. It offers a distinctive blend of Jewish philosophy, Jewish law, and practical application illustrated through the experiences of "the Levy's", a fictional family that guides us through traditional Jewish customs, holidays, and lifecycle events.
The book addresses many fascinating and essential aspects of traditional faith and practice, including:
Each chapter is organized by:
If you've ever wanted to understand the "why" behind the "what' and "how" of Jewish living, this book is your key to open wide the gates of insight.
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