Let There Be Rain (Full Size)

A lesson a day on making Gratitude a part of our lives

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When Hashem created the world, He would not send the rains until there was a person on this earth who would appreciate this gift and and be grateful for it. Adam prayed for rain. It fell. Trees and vegetation grew. And Adam thanked Hashem. It was necessary, as soon as man was created, to teach him the lesson of gratitude — because gratitude makes all the difference between a life that is happy and fulfilling, and one that is sad and bitter.

In his three decades of teaching, his pioneering work in founding and directing Ohr Naava, and his lectures heard around the globe, Rabbi Zechariah Wallerstein has met, spoken with, and counseled thousands of men and women. He heard their stories, discussed their challenges, and helped them find solutions to their problems.

And he realized that the root of many of our problems, both personal and societal, come from one root cause — a lack of hakaras hatov, of gratitude.

Being grateful for our blessings, for favors bestowed on us by others or by Hashem, stands at the core of all relationships; indeed, hakaras hatov is the core of Creation itself. Gratitude enables us to see the world with warm and loving eyes, to keep our relationships with family and friends fresh and vibrant, to serve Hashem with sincere joy. And lack of gratitude? It leads to bitterness, anger, conflict and unhappiness.

Let There Be Rain, by Rabbi Wallerstein with bestselling author Rabbi Shimon Finkelman, combines Torah wisdom with marvelous stories to show us how to incorporate hakaras hatov into our thoughts, hearts and actions. It offers a daily reading that includes an informative Torah insight and an inspiring story to illustrate the concept.

Over the past decade, tens of thousands of Jews incorporated daily study of shemiras halashon into their days; they refined their speech and changed their lives. Now we are offered still another transformative opportunity: to make hakaras hatov the cornerstone of our lives, and to make those lives rich with meaning and happiness.

So open Let There Be Rain and make it part of your day. You’ll be thankful you did.

Product Details

Catalog # LTRH
ISBN-10 : 1422615189
ISBN # : 9781422615188
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 420
Dimensions : 6 x 9 x 1.126 inches
Weight: 1.9 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 08/28/2014
Size : Standard
Language: English
This book has 13 sample pages. See all pages

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