By Avner Gold (Author)

Twilight (Hardcover)

By Avner Gold (Author)

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The story related in the expanded edition of Twilight is a direct continuation of The Year of the Sword, the third novel of the Strasbourg Saga. The story of The Year of the Sword came to a close in 1649 during the Cossack wars in Poland and Ukraine, and the original edition of Twilight picked up the story in 1658. The expanded edition follows the exploits of the popular characters of the Saga from the end of 1649 through 1658.

During these years, the massacre of countless Jewish people finally came to an end, but the painful memories were still fresh in the minds of the survivors. The Jewish people still suffered from the violent convulsions shaping Poland and all of Europe in the middle of the seventeenth century, convulsions that had not yet run their full course. As the story begins, a report of twins abducted by the Cossacks during the massacre at Tulczyn spurs Elisha Ringel to action. He manages to secure a meeting with Bogdan Chmielnicki, the hetman of the Cossacks, in his headquarters in Zaporozhiye, and the exciting story unfolds from there, coming to a climax in Warsaw nine years later. In the course of the story, we also meet Rav Shabsi Kohein, the Shach, and follow the turbulent events of his life through the eyes of Rav Shloime Strasbourg, rabbi of Pulichev.

Twilight is that fragile moment that is not quite night and not quite day. The period described in this book was a twilight time. The wounds of war were not yet healed, but there was hope once again. A darkness of different kind, however, loomed in the future. The next installment in the Saga, The Impostor, describes what happened when Shabbesai Tzvi triggered one of the most disastrous episodes of our history.

All Books in the Strasbourg Saga, by Avner Gold:

The Promised Child - 1592-1642
The Dream - 1643-1646
The Year of the Sword - 1647-1649
Twilight - 1649-1658
The Impostor - 1651-1669
The Purple Ring - 1666-1667
Envoy from Vienna - 1668-1670
The Marrano Prince - 1672-1680
The Long Road to Freedom - 1680-1683
Scandal in Amsterdam - 1683-1684
The Fur Traders - 1684-1685
Midnight Intruders - 1686-1714

Product Details

Catalog # TWILH
ISBN-10 : 1422623041
ISBN # : 9781422623046
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 214
Dimensions : 6 x 9 x 0.751 inches
Weight: 1.3 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 04/01/2019
Size : Standard
Age Range: Young Adult
Language: English
This book has 5 sample pages. See all pages

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with the author, Rabbi Yaakov Yosef Reinman (Avner Gold)

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