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Publisher: ArtScroll / Mesorah Published: September 2024
Publisher: ArtScroll Mesorah Publications Published: March 2015
Publisher: ArtScroll Mesorah Publications Published: August 2015
The most popular Mikraos Gedolos Chumash, now in a deluxe, enlarged size!
Newly typeset - Fully menukad - It will enhance the way you learn Chumash.
Every word of every commentary is menukad, with the rashei teivos spelled out
The text of every commentary has undergone thorough review and diligent research, based on manuscripts and early printings
Each haftarah has an introduction explaining its connection to the parashah or the special day on which it is read
Torah readings for appropriate festivals, Rosh Chodesh and fast days, with haftaros
Full color explanatory maps, charts and illustrations
Newly typeset, user-friendly page design
Specially milled, acid-free, lightweight opaque paper
Incredibly durable, state-of-the-art, reinforced library binding
Classic Mikra'os Gedolos Commentaries: Targum Onkelos, Targum Yonasan, Targum Yerushalmi, Rashi, Ramban, Rashbam, Ibn Ezra, Daas Zekeinim, Baal HaTurim, Sforno, Kli Yakar, Or Hachaim, Sifsei Chachamim Added Commentaries: Rabbeinu Bachya, Chizkuni Commentaries on the Haftaros and Megillos Rashi, Radak, Metzudas David and Metzudas Zion on the Haftaros; Rashi on the Megillos New Additions Appearing on the Page: Likkutei Bavli V'Yerushalmi : An original comprehensive compilation, succinctly citing relevant texts from Talmud Bavli and Talmud Yerushalmi where a pasuk is discussed. Likkutei Metzudos: An innovative collection, providing the explanation of difficult words as they are interpreted by Metzudas Zion and Metzudas David throughout Nevi'im and Kesuvim.
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