By Rabbi Zelig Pliskin (Author)

Happiness (Paperback)

Formulas, stories, and insights
By Rabbi Zelig Pliskin (Author)

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The pursuit of happiness is universal, yet elusive. This book shows where to find happiness and how. ItÆs everywhere, even better; itÆs within ourselves, if we only know how to mine it. In 107 very concise, easy-to-read chapters, this joyous little book takes us on a successful pursuit of happiness. The author has perfected his methods, and with a little determination and practice so will we. He starts the book by telling of an encounter with a beggar in Jerusalem. öI gave him a coin and laugh and wished him well. He blessed me, æMay you smile and laugh the entire year.Æ I felt that I gained more from him than he had gained from me. Are you ready to smile and laugh? Open the book and begin.

Product Details

Catalog # HAPIP
ISBN-10 : 1578194547
ISBN # : 9781578194544
Format : Paperback
Pages : 240
Dimensions : 5.5 x 6.5 inches
Weight: 0.66 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 08/24/1999
Size : Standard
Language: English

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